Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Fix the Google DFP error "Ad unit did not fetch" and "Ad unit failed to fetch"

Hello Folks!

Many users have been complaining about the Google DFP publisher code being full of bugs and that some times blank ads show on publisher's site especially when DFP falls back to Adsense when its inventory is empty.  I have a simple solution to this problem.

If the ads on your site don't always load, or there are often blank spaces on the site, or you have to keep refreshing the page in order to see google ads, this means that the Ad is failing to load. In order to diagnose this problem:

1) add the following after your sites URL "?google_console". So if your URL is enter the URL

2) and then press Ctrl+F10 (on windows) or on a Mac, use Function+Ctrl+F10) and the Google Publisher Console will show. 

On this console you will see all your banners with crucial data in a timeline. If you get errors like "Ad unit did not fetch" or "Ad unit failed to fetch" then here is what you should do:

1) Go to DFP Google

2) Login to your account

3) Click on your Ad and press generate tags

4) Disable the Enable Single Request

5) Now implement your new tags into your sites HTML

Or you can manually edit your HTML code and remove the line "googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();" from your tags.

This Enable Single Request causes 80% of the issues with Ad loading.

This will immediately fix your problem and your ads will start loading properly!

Good luck and Thanks for reading :)


  1. Thanks for posting this! It solved our issue for displaying ADs on of our sites.

  2. thanks a lot... it worked for me

  3. hello i do these steps but i'm still facing the same error!
    Any help Please

  4. This Enable Single Request causes 80% of the issues with Ad loading.
    Google News

  5. Hi getting information regarding browser google and different software, visit here:
